Prescription drug shortages hit Colorado Springs. Affected patients, pharmacies, hospitals and doctors

Prescription drug shortages hit Colorado Springs.  Affected patients, pharmacies, hospitals and doctors

Colorado resident Tara Roesener wasn’t aware of the widespread prescription drug shortage until about two weeks ago, when she tried to fill her 16-year-old daughters prescription for a pump for …

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No insurance? Be prepared to pay more at hospitals | News of India – Times of India

No insurance?  Be prepared to pay more at hospitals |  News of India - Times of India

Did you know that your hospital bill is likely to be higher, not lower, as many believe, if you pay it yourself instead of an insurance company? A patient in …

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One in three security breaches at hospitals in the Philly, Pa., area involved deficiencies in mental health services. How can hospitals improve?

Mental health crisis at the door of hospitals |  Philly Health Insider

A patient died on the floor of a behavioral health unit at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania’s Cedar Avenue facility because the staff didn’t know how to respond. …

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