A group of researchers in the UK and Canada has rejected the expensive, ineffective and possibly harmful cannabidiol (CBD) and hemp pain products after finding no evidence that they have any positive effects.
The research published in The diary of pain found that CBD products widely sold in North America and Europe contain varying amounts of CBD from none to much more than advertised and warned that they may even contain harmful chemicals.
Of 16 randomized clinical trials for pain with pharmaceutical CBD in oral, topical, and other forms, 15 found no greater analgesic effect for CBD than for placebo. The 16th trial was sponsored by a pharmaceutical company.
Meta-analyses (combining data from a range of studies) of clinical trials linked CBD to increased rates of serious adverse events and liver toxicity.
A 2021 International Association for the Study of Pain task force reviewed the evidence on cannabinoids and pain, but found no trials of CBD.
Sixteen randomized trials of CBD with pharmaceutical CBD have subsequently been published. The trials were conducted in 12 different pain states, using three administrations: oral, topical, and buccal/sublingual (cheek or under the tongue), with CBD doses ranging from 6 mg to 1,600 mg and treatment durations ranging from from a single dose up to 12 weeks. .
Small clinical trials using verified CBD suggest that the drug is largely benign, and while there is no large-scale safety evidence, there is growing evidence linking CBD to increased rates of adverse events for to health and liver toxicity.
In January 2023, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) called for new regulations on CBD.
Current evidence suggests that CBD for pain is expensive, ineffective, and potentially harmful.
Researchers caution that consumers should rely on evidence-based sources of information about CBD and not advertisements because there is no reason to think that CBD relieves pain.
There are also good reasons to doubt the content of CBD products.
A 2021 International Association for the Study of Pain position statement concluded that due to a lack of high-quality research evidence, it did not endorse the general use of cannabinoids to treat pain.
The working group concluded that preclinical studies, clinical trials and systematic reviews were generally of low or very low quality and showed small or no analgesic effects, despite some evidence of a mechanistic effect in animal models of pain.
Cannabis-based medications are widely promoted as a source of pain relief. The worldwide CBD market is expected to be worth $60 billion by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate of nearly 20%.
About 26% of Americans, 16% of Canadians, 4.3% of Germans and 2% of Britons use CBD products primarily for a chronic condition, the say the researcherswhich cost them more than $140 a month.
In another analysis of 105 topical CBD products in the US, THC was detected in 35%, with a total content of up to 100 mg. Only one in four products was accurately labeled for CBD, one in five had less than 90% of the advertised CBD, and one in two had more than 110%.
By October 2023, UK food regulators reduced the recommended safe daily dose of CBD, citing a risk of liver damage and thyroid problems.
In South Africa, CBD has been widely available in pharmacies, supermarkets, health shops and other retail outlets, and has been promoted to treat a range of conditions, particularly pain.
As of May 23, 2019, preparations containing less than 20 mg per daily dose of CBD have been legally sold here, although the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (Sahpra) said manufacturers only they can make a low risk declaration or an accepted health declaration.
When used for medical purposes, cannabis products are regulated by Sahpra.
In May 2020, CBD was listed in Schedule 4 of the Medicines and Related Substances Act, except in complementary medicines containing no more than 600 mg of cannabidiol per retail package, providing a maximum daily dose of 20 mg of CBD and improving overall health, health. maintenance or relief of minor symptoms; or processed products made with cannabis plant material intended for ingestion that contain 0.0075% or less of cannabidiol.
CBD oil has become a popular drug for a variety of conditions, and many studies are being conducted on the effectiveness of the oils.
Another article on the academic website The Conversationwritten by Kent E Vranaprofessor and chair of pharmacology at Penn State University, found that while there is growing evidence that CBD can help with certain conditions, caution is warranted. Rigorous scientific studies are the limitEd, so it’s important that the marketing of CBD products doesn’t get ahead of research and solid evidence, he writes.
At the beginning of 2023 there were 202 scientific trials in progress or completed examining the efficacy of CBD in humans for disorders as diverse as chronic pain, substance use disorders, anxiety and arthritis, he writes.
In particular, CBD appears to be one anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent, similar to the functions of aspirin. This means it can be useful for treating people suffering from inflammatory pain, such as arthritis, or headaches and body aches.
CBD also has potential for use cancer therapyalthough it has not been approved by the FDA for this purpose. DM
#Beware #touted #claims #CBD #oils #questioned
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